Monday, November 25, 2013

Naked Truth

Can you tell I have no freaken clue what it is that I am doing?
Because I don't.
If you thought I did, please permit me to disabuse you of that notion.

Yeah. I swear like a teamster, but I occasionally sound like I *may* have read a Webster's dictionary.

Back to this blogging thing that I am completely shitty at:
So, first "boost" treatment, today. It's totally bizarre, the shit you endure during cancer treatments...
Today? Well today, as I lay there on the cold, hard table (dear medical equipment people, please pull your heads OUT of your fourth point of contact and design a table that those of us getting microwaved in the name of "medical treatment," can lay upon COMFORTABLY) they molded some sort of 1" thick pliable was almost taffy-like,around my left boob.
Which, by the way, protested.
Of course, I lay there, patiently smiling, never giving any indication that my boob was issuing a fatwa on their asses, as they taped the taffy to my chest and explained that it acted like more skin to get the rads the way they want them.

I seriously think they could draw on me with a sharpie and I'd accept that as normal.
Oh wait...they did THAT too.

I had my treatment and then saw the doc...all is well.

Ya know what gets me?
Before 9AM, four people saw my left boob.
And not ONE of them was my husband.
There's a joke in there...I think.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life gets in the way

So yeah...writing regularly isn't something that I am good at, apparently.
Here I sit, six weeks after that first post thinking, "how'd that time go by so fast?" Well, I think it went by as I was busy getting radiation, seeing doctors, helping in the planning of fundraising events for my youngest son's sports team, attending rehearsals for a play he's in, watching my oldest son re-hab his Jeep, bringing him to and from work and...well, there's also the laundry and dinners and vacuuming....
Riveting, right?

Anyway, My hair has started to come back in. YAY!!!
My eyelashes and brows are falling out. WHAT THE.....????

Nausea's all but gone, but body aches and the weight gained from the 'roids remain . And my fingernails look deformed...And the hot flashes are certainly a trip.'s glam, folks.
Saw the Oncologist today. She's waiting for these effects to subside before putting me on the Tamoxifen. Apparently, it may be an endocrine issue? One which the Tamoxifen will exacerbate. I have no clue...I have gotten to the point where I just want to plow thru the rest of treatment and get on with my life.

See, cancer is a time thief. Time spent getting chemo (3-5 hours each treatment), surgery (2 days totally shot, 2 weeks each time to recover to the point where the pain isn't stupid), doctor's visits (87 million appointments, some lasting up to an hour...ok, 87 million *may* be an exaggeration---more like 82 million) radiation (actual radiation is like a minute, but each appointment varies, depending on the schedule and the issues the center is dealing with). Add to that the days you're sick, in pain, or just plain exhausted, well...

So I nodded, made the appointment, went home and did that laundry, cooking, and avoided that vacuuming I mentioned earlier.

And then I tried to rest.

Yeeeaaaahhhhh. See, when my head hits a pillow, several alarms go off in the universe and stuff happens to prevent me from getting any actual rest. Usually, my house phone rings--today, it was my doctor, trying to fax my referral---a ridiculous permission slip insurance companies seem to think is important---to me, instead of my other doctor.
Once I called and cleared THAT up...I put my head to the pillow and then I received some texts.
From 4 people.
Spaced about 12 minutes apart.

Then I dozed...for seven  minutes....More texts. Ride planning for oldest boy...needed my involvement.
Then the dog decided she needed to prod her way around, finally coming to rest against my thigh.

Ahhhh...all settled...time to....then the husband came home and then there was dinner to make, lunches to pack, and raffle tickets to sell, and dishes to wash and....

Yeah. Life gets in the way.

And I couldn't be more grateful.