Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Is this thing on?

I remember when blogging first started.
I scoffed at it.
Scoffed, I tell you! Just like I scoffed at MySpace and Facebook.
I mean come on...buncha people talking about their likes and their day and their ass-aches...who cares, right?
Apparently, blogging s something people care about.
And so is Facebook.
But hey---MySpace is dead, so, I got that one right.

Anyway, blogging has gone mainstream...so I was WAY wrong about that.
I do admit when I am wrong...I have to, I have kids and I am supposed to set a good example and all that happy parenting feel-good bullshit.
So, why at the mature age of <muffled> do I feel the need to blog?
I have no fucking clue.
Maybe to try and keep my FB from becoming a blog of sorts.
Or, maybe because I haven't written in so long, I miss it.
Or, maybe, I think I might actually have something to blog about that people might want to read.

You see, on 1 May 2013, I found out I had breast cancer.

OK, so, maybe blogging about cancer isn't something people wanna read about...but I gotta do it. You see, I am not that smiling, inspirational woman you see in awareness photos and videos. I have no magical words of encouragement and I don't have affirmations or endless inspirational photos to offer. What I have is a reality check. And it's fully funded and won't bounce, I promise.

So, if you're here because some search engine dropped you here, trying to find out information, served with a side order of realism and peppered with sarcasm, I hope I don't disappoint. If you're here hoping I can offer you profound words of encouragement and positive reinforcement? Well...I can only tell you that there are a kabillion other blogs out there which would be better suited to your needs.

Welcome to my world.
It's no Lifetime Movie.
But then, whose is?